Apple Did Color Well – Once Upon A Time

After Apple confirmed that the iPhone 5S will be sold in gold, there are questions swirling as to why Apple does not go back to doing color like they used to. While the black and white theme is sleek and attractive, the iPod does color, why can’t the phones? When Steve Jobs was promoting the release of the first round of colored Apple desktops and laptops, there was something about them that Apple lost when the cut the color.

What many Apple consumers might not remember, are the days when Apple had a very colorful past, and they actually led their products with their color options. Now, they took more of a Zen appeal with their sleek white and black releases of their popular products, minus the iPod which is still sold in metallic colors. However, what some people may forget is that the original Apple logo from 1976 to 1998 was rainbow striped. When Apple released their first desktop computer, Steve Jobs referred to it as “uuuuug-ly,” then he came out with iMac which was about getting people on the internet and in his release statement on the product, Jobs described the design as, “It looks like it’s from another planet, and a good planet, a planet with better designers.”

While the overall logo change upon Jobs’ return to Apple was an excellent decision in terms of keeping the company interesting, but the iPhones should travel down the iPod path. There is no doubt that groundbreaking technology combined with metallic colors is a match made in heaven.

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