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5 Questions You Should Never Ask Siri


We’ve all had those moments at work or at home when we need a little distraction, and for many of us, we turn to Siri. You know, the 2014 version of Ask Jeeves? Well, sometimes, people get a little too carried away with what they ask Siri, almost as bad as the types of things we’ve heard of people Googling before (i.e. “groundhog day or groundhog’s day?”). Yes, so with all the things we’ve heard people asking Siri while we’ve been walking around town, or even in our iPhone repair shop, we decided to compile a list of what we think are some of the worst things you could possibly ask Siri.

5 Questions You Should Refrain From Asking Siri

  1. Can you murder someone for me?

    Okay, we get how this can be funny, but fun fact, Apple keeps tabs on the questions people ask Siri. So, if you’re asking Siri if she can help you murder someone, probably not the best option. Plus, murder seems a little extreme, no? Let’s use our words and not our fists or any type of weapon.

  2. How do I get away with cheating?

    Hm. Now while we don’t condone anyone cheating, and your business is your business, is it really a good idea to rely on the internet for ways to get away with cheating on your significant other? Probably not. Plus, if you’re that concerned with getting away with cheating, maybe you should just call it off…? Consider that our holiday advice to you.

  3. Where can I hide a body?

    Unfortunately this question has been asked so much of Siri that Apple created a humorous auto response, “What kind of place are you looking for? Reservoirs? Metal foundries? Mines? Dumps? Swamps?” Now, we’re going to keep our fingers crossed that no one has ever actually asked this question and meant it, because if so, that’s slightly terrifying.

  4. Are you human?

    Now, this question is just kind of annoying to hear people ask Siri. We all know that Siri is a program installed on every iPhone as somewhat of a search engine. So, we also know that Siri isn’t human. Although, it would be interesting to find out who the voice of Siri actually is.

  5. What’s the best phone, computer, and tablet?

    This is just a waste of breath to ask Siri, honestly. Apple has programmed Siri to answer all those questions with Apple products. For example, ask Siri what the best phone is, she’ll respond with, “Wait, there are other phones?” So, according to Apple, they’re the only ones that matter in terms of smartphone technology.

So, if you like to ask Siri irrelevant questions just to get a good laugh, by all means go for it, we do it too. However, don’t ask her any questions where you have to question yourself as to whether or not that’s something you should be asking your phone. It’s all about the logic, smartphone users, all about the logic.

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