Apple Sells Their 500 Millionth iPhone

Apple Store Logo in New York

Apple has always seemed to mark their milestones, even going way back to when Steve Jobs released the first Macintosh computer – they even celebrated their 50 billionth app store download, but for some reason, they’ve passed on the iPhone’s milestone celebration.

This past week, Apple officially sold their 500 Millionth iPhone – and we’ve taken it upon ourselves to highlight some of the awesome facts regarding what seems to be Apple’s innovative maneuver.

The iPhone’s Goals

Back in 2007, when Steve Jobs launched the iPhone just as he did the Macintosh 20 or so, years prior – he set a goal that very few thought the iPhone would be able to accomplish.

What was the goal?

Sell 10 million iPhone’s by the end of 2008

Did they do it?

They sold 13.7 million – so, yes – they did do it.

Today, Apple sells just over 700,000 iPhone’s per day on an international level.

It actually took longer than one would have expected for Apple’s iPhone to hit their 100 millionth sale – however, things have changed so dramatically that in 2013, it took them less than 10 months to sell 100 million phones for the holiday season.

Sometime over the past decade, Apple’s iPhone sales have shot through the roof. They just reached their 500 millionth – correct? Well, this past July marked 400 million sales – so, in less than a year, they reached another 100 million.

While many critics are not necessarily in favor of what Apple has been releasing – or rather, not releasing – it’s still important to look at the numbers because obviously, they’re still doing well for themselves. Rumors of the iPhone 6 are still up in the air with no definitive spoilers, but we should know something closer to September if they stick to their standard timeline.

Congratulations Apple!

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