With all the updates and features that iPhone and iPad touch’s have, we can pretty much use one device as a phone, computer, planner, calendar, calculator, music player etc. People are constantly on their phones every day and even give their young children and babies such devices to play on. It’s no wonder why they …
Technology and the usage of social media outlets have become a prominent staple in every day life. From Instagram to Facebook to Twitter, Snapchat and even Google Plus – people cannot seem to live without these social platforms. The world of technology advances at a quick rate, and in the blink of an eye a …
As expected, Apple will not be releasing their newest next-generation smartphone, the iPhone 7, until Fall 2016. With several months ahead, they still have an abundant amount of time to develop and change several different aspects and attributes about the phone. Although we have a while to wait, there have been recent rumors and …

One of the most common complaints iPad touch owners have is the home button not working. Outlined below are the steps that you can take to perform this iPad touch repair. These methods can come in handy when you run into this problem during the workday. Recalibration Method To recalibrate, open any application that came …
iPhone Repair shops are the best places to go when there has been damage to an iPhone. But what is someone to do when it is late at night and their phone falls into the bathtub, or when they aren’t able to get to a phone repair shop right away? Many people have experienced the …
These days there is a plethora of cases out there for our mobile phones. There are iPhone cases made by a number of third party contributors who design what protect our phones from cracking and crumbling as they hit the ground or are exposed to liquid. There are cases that can protect a phone from …
One of the most common times that those who are needing to get their iPhone or smartphone repaired is after a vacation or some sort of trip. A person’s phone goes with them everywhere they go, and so it is a part of their daily routine. When that routine changes, on a trip to the …
There are a ton of apps coming out on the iPhone all the time that get iOS users excited. The App Store is one of the most exciting features of the iPhone or iTunes, and one of the most fun things to do is see what apps are coming out and making the biggest impact. …
As the iPhone becomes more and more popular when it comes to photography and taking pictures, it is ever more important to consider the tools that are available for aspiring photographers- both for taking photos, and for editing once they have been taken. It’s important to consider what is available so that you are fully …
Our job is pretty straightforward: we fix broken iPhones and other smartphones. Often times we get devices that are very damaged, other times we get devices that are so horribly damaged it takes a lot more finesse to complete than others. In this case, we had an iPad sent to us from Florida with a …