Co-Founder Of Apple Insists On Android Platform


Steve Wozniak, the go-to guy for Steve Jobs during the founding of Apple threw in his two-cents that they should make an Android phone. Wozniak no longer works for Apple, but that doesn’t mean he has stopped commenting on the company that he helped to build.

While he wasn’t saying that Apple’s current platform isn’t working for their iPhone’s, he thinks that they can dominate the game – essentially – by running on two different platforms, simultaneously.

Apple Co-Founder Votes For Android

According to Wozniak’s interview, he stated,

“There’s nothing that would keep Apple out of the Android market as a secondary market. We could compete very well. People like the precious looks of styling’s and manufacturing that we do in our product compared to the other Android offerings.”

Both iPhone’s and Android’s alike have released unpopular system updates this past year, forcing both to release modified versions soon after the release date for the download.

Wozniak has been very open about his disapproval for the way Apple has been performing the past few years, even saying that he feels like they are falling behind. He also says he believes Samsung is their biggest competition; coming close to surpassing them due to the fact that Apple has not been able to perform in terms of technological innovation, design, and sales.

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