Data Transfer includes many different techniques including but not limited to: icloud backup, iTunes backup, google account, dropbox, Samsung Smartswitch, or even removing a hard drive from a pc or Macbook. With the growing number of people using iPhones and other devices, data transfer has become a common need throughout the world. There are many reasons a person might require a data transfer service for their smartphone. In this article we will go over a few of the most common reasons and also explain a couple of services we offer at our Lafayette location.
First, we will talk about the most common and most obvious data transfer reason and platform we use. Most people when they get a new device like the latest iPhone 7 would like to have all there data transferred from their old phone to the new one. So if you have recently upgraded to a new device and perhaps you do not own a computer with iTunes or maybe you are one of those people who refuses to pay for extra icloud storage. We are fully equipped to help you get that data transferred from your old iPhone to your new one! We can not only back up your data and transfer it, but we will also transfer your sim and make sure you are up and running like nothing ever happened.
Second would be the worst scenario that we see so often here at iPhone Repair 4 Less in Lafayette. You were in a hurry and you either dropped your phone and destroyed the screen to where you have lost complete functionality. Or maybe you dropped it in the toilet (don’t laugh we see it all the time) and you are frantically concerned about losing all of those precious photos of your newborn baby. Well don’t get too overwhelmed, we have seen it all. Depending on the exact situation, we offer to either repair your device to save your info, or if you are only concerned about the information. We can repair it temporarily and just transfer your data to another device that you may have.
So whether you own a Samsung, iPhone, iPad, iPod or even need some computer assistance. There is no project we won’t give our best to help you with. We have always enjoyed the privilege of helping people not only repair their devices but also save their precious data. That data usually includes irreplaceable contacts that you have been storing for years or even photos of loved ones who may no longer be with you. So if you need help getting your data transferred please consider your friendly techs at iPhone Repair 4 Less!!
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