iOS7 Users Report Nausea Caused By Update

If you recently downloaded the new iOS7 on your Apple device and feel like you now have vertigo, have no fear – because you’re not the only one dealing with this issue. New users of the Apple upgrade have reported that maneuvering through the new design is actually making them feel nauseous. Suffice to say, Apple’s company forum has been blowing up with complaints of the new design.

iPhone iOS7

One user commented, “The zoom animations everywhere on the new iOS7 are literally making me nauseous and giving me a headache. It’s exactly how I used to get car sick if I tried reading on drive.”

Other user’s began chiming in saying that the new zoom effect is causing:

  • Headaches
  • Dizziness
  • Motion Sickness
  • Eye Pain

It’s Apple’s knock off 3D parallax effect causing these symptoms, reported by users, due to the icons and background shifting with the device’s movement. Other user’s are choosing to blame the thin black text on the white background as headache inducing.

If you are experiencing issues with the 3D parallax effect, you turn it off by:

  1. Settings
  2. General
  3. Accessibility
  4. Turn on Reduce Motion

So far, Apple has not yet sanctioned a way to revert back to your old devices operating system which is enraging consumer’s to the point where they are buying older versions of the iPhone with the older iOS installed on it.

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