Surely everyone remembers the days when we only had to charge our cellphone once every few days right? Well that was when all we did was make phone calls and maybe send a text here and there. In the day and age we live in now, that is filled with smart phones and unlimited app …
Apple has recently released, not only an IOS update, but also a mac update, iwatch update, ipad update and even apple tv recieved this update. The reason behind this particular update though may actually be surprising to most of us. Apple devices have always been touted with having the best security of any of its …
There is a new mobile game taking the world by storm. It is a free app for IOS and Android operating systems called Pokemon Go. This addition to the Pokemon series brings to life the idea of hunting and catching Pokemon. Instead of just playing in a turn based animated world. You get to feel …
We are sure that most of you have noticed the IOS 10 BETA that is going around the internet world. We have had several people come into our local iPhone repair shop here in Lafayette Louisiana needing to restore their phone back to a proper working IOS. So the real question is, should you try …
If you’ve been using smartphones and electronic devices for as long as they’ve been available, you’ve likely dealt with one breaking or malfunctioning in some way. Oh NO! That dreaded moment when your device meets the ground, or it suddenly isn’t working the way that it used to, is one of the worst …
Most iPad owners use their device constantly, whether you use it daily for your job, or the kids have one that they watch their very favorite shows on, it’s so necessary. This device makes watching videos, playing games and navigating apps a real breeze. But what happens when it stops functioning the way that it …
You know the feeling; unfortunately, most people do all too well. Something happens, whether it’s a small accidental drop, a moment of forgetfulness or a complete freak accident, sometimes the glass on our phones meets its untimely demise by landing on concrete, cement or tile. That initial moment of horror is panic-inducing as you carefully …
With all the updates and features that iPhone and iPad touch’s have, we can pretty much use one device as a phone, computer, planner, calendar, calculator, music player etc. People are constantly on their phones every day and even give their young children and babies such devices to play on. It’s no wonder why they …
Electronics are an investment that we use all the time. Due to the heavy use, it is to be expected that accidents might happen at any time regardless of how careful you are. When life events take their toll on your Ipad or Iphone, you need a specialist that can offer you reliable service at …
Technology and the usage of social media outlets have become a prominent staple in every day life. From Instagram to Facebook to Twitter, Snapchat and even Google Plus – people cannot seem to live without these social platforms. The world of technology advances at a quick rate, and in the blink of an eye a …