Let’s Talk About Apple’s Insane Quarterly Earnings


Take a huge company like Starbucks and think about how many customers go in and out of all those locations daily – actually, even hourly. Well, in the 2014 fiscal year, Starbucks made $16.4 billion in total revenue. While it’s not too surprising that Apple surpassed Starbucks due to the new products launched as well as their prices, BUT even with their $74.6 billion in revenue, the crazy fact is that their increase in revenue was MORE than Starbucks’ total revenue at $18 billion. Crazy.

Apple has even made more money than Bank of America and McDonalds, actually, they pumbled them in terms of finances. Of course the internet started freaking out once Apple released their press release, and some were even listing the companies that Apple could buy with their $178 billion. Want to know some of them? Of course you do.

With all that money, Apple could buy:

  • Tesla (who has a new turbo boost that takes a care from zero to 60mph in three seconds!)
  • Uber
  • Netflix
  • SnapChat
  • AirBnB
  • Twitter (that’s right, Twitter)

What’s the best part about that entire list? Apple could buy any of those companies and still have roughly $20 billion left over which again is more than Starbucks earned in an entire year. If you look at the revenue of the iPhone alone, it’s a bigger business than General Motors. In 2014, GM reported that they made $39.3 billion — how much did the iPhone sell? The iPhone’s revenue alone was $51 billion.

Now, we talked about the Apple Watch and how only about seven percent of consumers said they’d be interested in buying it, well, even with that seven percent, Apple’s revenue will only increase which will most likely provide them with another big financial boost. New reports in the rumor mill are suggesting that the new Apple Watch should start shipping in April so, if you’re planning on waiting in line, grab your camping gear now.

Also, if you happen to invest in the Apple Watch and it breaks (like if the screen cracks, or if you just need help learning how to work it), send it to our iPhone Repair 4 Less store in Lafayette, or come visit us for a little tutorial.

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