Great selection of fidget spinners for sale in lafayette

Fidget Spinners! Therapy or a Fad?

call iphone repair 4 less about fidget spinners


    We see a lot of this happening in these past few years. Toys that no one has ever seen or heard of, all of a sudden become hugely popular seemingly overnight. One day our kids are going to and from school, shooting some basketball with their friends or playing on their iPad. Then out of nowhere comes the question. “Can i have a fidget spinner?” Then you look at them with that puzzled look and ask, “what is a fidget spinner?”


     What is a Fidget Spinner?


    Fidget spinners are often designed with the intent to relieve stress. Basic fidget spinners consist of a two or three pronged design with a bearing in its center circular pad. An individual holds the center pad while the toy spins. Designs are made from various materials including brass, stainless steel, titanium, copper, aluminum, and 3D printed plastic. The types of of bearings generally used are ceramic, metal (stainless steel or chrome), and hybrid designs. Additionally, bearings can be different to adjust for the design’s spin time, vibration, and noise, leading to unique sensory feedback. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Where Did They Come From?


     There are many theories floating around the internet about the origin of the fidget spinner. The most intriguing is that a Canadian inventor by the name Catherine Hettinger came up with the idea in the early 90’s. Her story is actually quite remarkable about how she thought up the original idea. Our friends over at newstalk have a more in depth article on Ms. Hettingers story. Check it out here. But the reality is that no one knows where these things came from. It happened so fast it is hard to pin point the actual origin of the fidget spinners rise to success. By doing a search of Google trends on the keyword fidget spinner, it shows that there were no such searches in the past 5 years until the end of January 2017. Also there are no signs of it slowing down anytime soon.


Google search trends of the fidget spinner

(pictured above) The latest search trends on google show fidget spinner still getting a ton of traffic via google trends.


Our Theory


    Basically, our theory on how this simple, yet satisfying therapeutic device or toy as some may call it, came to be so popular so fast is this. We think that because the fidget cube (another widely popular product) managed to crowd fund $6,465,690 from a whopping 154,926 backers in 2016, this led to an interest in the fidget toy market. So with fidget cubes all the rage and sales shooting through the roof, someone “brilliantly” decided to make there own version of a fidget toy giving birth to the fidget spinner. 

fidget cube crowd funding on kickstarter

Therapy or Toys?


     So regardless of the origin of the fidget spinner, the real question remains. Are they therapeutic? Or are the just a toy. There are plenty of examples of both sides. Regardless of how you may feel personally about the product. There is definitely scientific proof that these types of devices help calm not only children’s anxiety’s but also can help adults focus. For example we actually have them in our local office to use to help us brainstorm new ideas. We actually fell in love them them so much that we have begun to offer fidget spinners for sale here in Lafayette La at our iPhone Repair 4 Less location. So whether you have children that cannot sit still or are always knocking everything off of the shelves when you go shopping. Or you just want one for yourself to help you ease your mind during a long day at work. We would love it if you stopped by to check out our selection of fidget spinners! 


Thanks for reading from all of us here at iPhone Repair 4 Less!







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