Not everyone is technologically savvy which is why we like to come up with helpful tip lists for those who own are having common issues with their smartphones that are totally fixable. In this post, we’re going to look at the Samsung Galaxy S5 and the most frequent issues that users can face. Whether your …

For the past three years, Samsung has been climbing to the top of the mobile market after creating their Galaxy series of smartphones. So, with Samsung releasing their latest addition to the Galaxy family – the S5 has some consumers on their toes with what to expect. With Apple holding off any news of their …

In one of Apple’s final pushes to remain as the giants within technology development, they are asking the federal court to ban the sale of Samsung phones and tablets.   The docket was filed in California after Apple made a claim that the smartphones and tablets produced by Samsung were in violation of their patent.

When Android released their new 4.3 Jelly Bean software, consumers were not pleased at all. After receiving so many complaints and poor ratings from the battery life not being as long to entire phone just freezing and shutting off, they had some things to fix. After Samsung apologized for their horrible update that left many …

The rumor mill has been going crazy with talk of Samsung, LG, and Apple coming out with new phones that have a curved display. Now, why the obsessed with a curved phone? Some people say that it will make the phone easier to pick up, while others are looking at it from a purely innovative …