Why Does Every Phone Look the Same?


If we had $1.00 for every time we’ve mentioned that iPhone and Samsung are seriously lacking in design innovation, we could probably buy the iPhone 6 Plus. Seriously, it’s more like these two companies are just trying to spit out as many phones as they can, but that’s not what people are looking for. It was cool in the beginning when Apple would release a new iPhone every year, especially after the iPhone 4 when the design significantly changed. However, now, it’s like you’re trading in one phone to get another phone that looks the exact same.

Samsung is doing no better though. After the release of the Samsung Galaxy S5, users were less than pleased with how similar it was to the Galaxy S4. The issue, aside from the lack of new design, is that when it comes to the specs of the phone, they only add one thing. It’s never multiple new programs or technological advantages; it’s always just one thing. And usually, that ONE thing can easily be installed on the older model with an update.

It’s the same thing with the tablets. Samsung’s latest tablets have one difference, and that’s that the home button lies on a different side of the frame. Woah, talk about innovative.

So why invest in either of these companies phones? Well, when you choose Apple, you’re putting everything you need in the palm of your hand. When you choose Samsung, you’re investing in an affordable device that will last for a good amount of time.

What to Look Forward to With Smartphones

Smartphones are a great time, so great that it’s almost impossible to imagine a time without them. Regardless of whether you’re on team Apple or team Android, these phones are a wise investment. What important to note is that just because a new version of your phone comes out doesn’t mean you need to go and buy it when all you might need to do is install a hefty update.

We’re hoping that after Apple was able to give the iPhone a new feel with the 6 and 6 Plus, the next iPhone will be on a whole new design level. As for Samsung, they need to switch things up after the flop of the Galaxy S5 which is nearly identical to its S4 counterpart.

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