Apple has not been dishing out the most innovative products lately – they’ve basically been taking their current products and making them different sizes. So, with their latest investment in the 3-D sensor company responsible for the Microsoft Kinect – PrimeSense – maybe they can wow their consumers with a new, mind blowing product like …

By Matthew / Blog / 0 Comments

      While it may seem like everyone is walking around with the new iPhone models that is pretty much the only thing keeping their sales up. Although the expectations of the sales for the new models of the iPhone [5C and 5S] topped what analysts predicted, Apple’s profits are still down 8.6 percent …

While we’ve seen the release of the iPhone 5C and 5S, the next thing to look forward to is the iPhone 6 – since the new-ish iPad versions have been released and the Mac books do not share too many changes. When you do the Apple product math, there is always a “S” model released …

It should not be a surprise to any iPhone user that the new iOS 7 will destroy our battery life with all the new effects that Apple implemented. Aside from the advantages that Apple has given us with this update, the battery life is well below par, but luckily for you, there are plenty of …