Apple has always seemed to mark their milestones, even going way back to when Steve Jobs released the first Macintosh computer – they even celebrated their 50 billionth app store download, but for some reason, they’ve passed on the iPhone’s milestone celebration.
For the past three years, Samsung has been climbing to the top of the mobile market after creating their Galaxy series of smartphones. So, with Samsung releasing their latest addition to the Galaxy family – the S5 has some consumers on their toes with what to expect. With Apple holding off any news of their …
While Apple has been doing a good job with keeping spoilers for the iPhone 6 hush-hush, one thing is certain and that would be that this new iPhone will finally be getting a new and innovating design. Every year, Apple sells around 150 million iPhone’s – and up until this latest model, all those 150 …
Steve Wozniak, the go-to guy for Steve Jobs during the founding of Apple threw in his two-cents that they should make an Android phone. Wozniak no longer works for Apple, but that doesn’t mean he has stopped commenting on the company that he helped to build.
It took 15 camera crews spread along 10 countries and one single day to create Apple’s 30th anniversary video. Shot only with iPhone video, Apple put in their best effort to create a commercial that really expresses how they will continue to help you create and capture moments with their well developed technology.
In recent months, Android has surpassed the iPhone and essentially all Apple has to offer. As the leader in the mobile operating world, Google (the makers of Android) has won over Samsung and a 10-year patent has been signed, but not too many people understand why this is such a big deal.
It was only 30 years ago when a young Steve Jobs took the stage at the Flint Center in Cupertino, California with a bag that contained a piece of technology that would change the world. When Jobs pulled out that computer that resembled a brown box, no one knew it would later be the platform …
For good reason, the Federal Trade Commission has officially announced that the infamous Apple Inc. will be refunding $32.5 million in purchases made by children without their parents consent. After the complaints began to pile up at an overwhelming rate – 37,000 in total – Apple has promised to reimburse each purchase made.
It’s like one of those jokes you hear “A guy walks into a bar…” except is goes a little something more like, TMobile’s CEO attended AT&T’s CES (consumer electronics show) event and was promptly escorted out by security. However, it ended up turning into a great article for
In one of Apple’s final pushes to remain as the giants within technology development, they are asking the federal court to ban the sale of Samsung phones and tablets. The docket was filed in California after Apple made a claim that the smartphones and tablets produced by Samsung were in violation of their patent.